Automate your sales workflows With Datafactory you can easily scale personalized outreach  

Spend 77% less time on sales copywriting

Customizable, powerful, and automated, Copyfactory makes it easy to build, and scale the exact sales messaging your business needs.

Contacts table

From SDR teams to sales agencies, the most effective teams use Copyfactory to power their copywriting workflows.

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Drag-and-drop sequence creation

Write converting sales sequences without spending hours in a google doc.

Nothing is more frustrating than spending 3 hours in a Google doc only to have your messaging not convert. Write your next sequence in minutes by simply dragging in the premise templates you want to generate, answering a few questions and hitting generate.

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Don't rely on generic templates - create your own custom messaging premise templates and have the AI write the way you want it to.
Content blocks.
Save and re-use common snippets of text. Insert call to actions, value propositions, case studies or anything else to keep your messaging consistent.
Slash commands.
Insert merge fields, comments and content blocks with built-in slash commands.
Add comments and threaded replies that are synced in real-time to get work done quickly.
Get work done as a team by sharing your sequence and having anyone contribute.
Built for sales.
The only editor built from the ground up to support sales workflows with mobile previews, unlimited variation threading and multi-step design.

“Copyfactory is for anyone looking to scale personalization within sales development. We were able to increase our outbound efforts without increasing headcount. Also, being able to push all the data into Outreach made our workflow that much easier.”

Dixa testimonial
Andreas Brolund
Growth Marketing Manager of Dixa

Get started with Copyfactory for free!

Join the hundreds of writers and sales teams that are actively using Copyfactory to save time on their copywriting tasks!

Increase response rates

Hyper-personalize your outreach

Create personalization playbooks that let you personalize every step of the sequence based on any contact research in seconds. What used to take hours now takes minutes.

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Create unique personalizations using your existing contact data with custom sentence premises.
Tailor your messaging at every step of your sequence using your own contact research to personalize each interaction.
Win with relevance.
Break through the noise with unique messaging your contacts will love. Train the AI to write in your tone, style and length.
Sync your contact data to Outreach, Apollo, Salesloft, or any of our native integrations automatically.
Stop fussing with endless spreadsheets and easily filter through your contacts with built-in duplicate detection and advanced filtering.
1 click export with all of your contact research, personalized sentences and sequence data so that it's ready to upload.

“Using Copyfactory has been a game changer for our personalization process, we are more efficient due to the platform doing the heavy lifting for us whilst also reducing time spent on QA. Their customer support has been fantastic providing deep industry knowledge and insights which has been invaluable.”

Ben Robinson copyfactory testimonial
Ben Robinson
CEO of LeadGenBen

How it works

Meet the premise editor

Create custom premise templates that are trained to write the way you do to increase engagement rates and scale your messaging. Start by duplicating one of our base templates and editing them or take a few minutes to start from scratch.

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50+ templates to choose from and get started.
Clone premise templates from one workspace to another.
Use everywhere.
Use your premise templates when uploading contacts, writing sequences, in Zapier or the API.

Step 1

Select your data points

Choose the specific data points you want to reference in your message. Whether it's contact data, intent data, or in-app data, you have the power to customize your messaging with any field.

Custom fields.
Create and add as many custom fields as you need.
Create advanced field filters to only generate content when your conditions are met.

Step 2

Define your objective

Whether you're aiming to generate a captivating first-step outbound email or craft a personalized sentence referencing a recent blog post, the premise editor makes it effortless to achieve your messaging goals..

Automatically generate an objective based on a few words.
Insert custom fields with slash commands to tell the AI you want to reference that field data.
Create simple or advanced logic to fine-tune the AI on what you are trying to achieve.

Step 3

Add examples for guidance

The premise editor lets you add examples of how you would write your message. Simply input your desired tone, style, and content, and watch as our AI-powered editor generates dynamic messaging templates tailored to your specifications.

Modify the examples to write in your tone, style and length.
Custom research
Add your own custom research to train the AI on what data to expect.
Automatically generate an example so that you just need to give it some tweaks.

“Working with Eric and Copyfactory, has been extremely helpful and saves me time in creating a reliable outbound email process. I can personalize outreach, but also check and scale it quickly. Features I like the most is the ability to teach the algorithms to use my tone, my language and sound like I want my emails to. This is helping to bring a new channel to our business for effective prospecting.”

Image of James
Director of Stakki

Get started with Copyfactory for free!

Join the hundreds of writers and sales teams that are actively using Copyfactory to save time on their copywriting tasks!