How often your recipients open your emails is a crucial indicator of your email marketing campaign’s success. While some marketers think that the click-through rate is the most important of all, it involves opening your email in the first place, which is why this metric is so essential.
Obtaining your website visitors’ email addresses is the ultimate goal of all content marketing campaigns since it is essentially a direct line to your potential customers. However, you’ll need to make sure you send engaging emails that genuinely offer something valuable to your recipients, or else you’ll risk being flagged as spam or losing a subscriber. For this reason, you’ll need to invest in the best email copywriters and email marketing tools to make sure your emails don’t get lost in your customers’ inboxes.
Here are five best practices for writing emails, which will improve your email open rates:
It’s important to put your company on your customer’s radar, but sending your emails too often can turn them off and cause them to unsubscribe. For instance, HubSpot found that companies that sent more than 31 emails a month to their subscribers had much lower email open rates. Opt for 16 to 30 emails to catch your recipients’ attention instead.
Few people have the patience and attention span to read through long-winded emails, which is why you should always keep your emails short and sweet. Keep in mind that your recipients have inboxes inundated with emails from hundreds of companies, which means they’ll gloss over your email if they see it’s too long to read. Instead, keep a succinct subject line that is interesting enough to spark their interest.
A great way to keep your recipients engaged and willing to open your emails is to ensure that each one is value-adding. Pushing promotions and sales won’t always get your target audience to open the email unless you state how exactly they’ll benefit from doing so.
Creating subject lines can be tricky, as you have to work with just a few words to make sure you come up with something intriguing enough to convince the recipients to open your email. The best email copywriters use numbers in subject lines and email bodies since readers are more likely to be persuaded this way, as it offers a concrete way to measure the benefit they’ll get from engaging with your business.
You can also use questions as subject lines to pique their curiosity. For instance, using “Waiting for holiday sales?” can reel them in and make them want to know what you have to offer in your email.
You won’t know the best subject line to use until you A/B test them, so it’s crucial to draft multiple ones and test them by sending each one out to a specific subset of your mailing list. Determine which one gets the highest open rate and use that subject line for the rest of your target audience.
Writing emails can be incredibly tricky, especially if you aren’t sure where to start. By following these best practices, your recipients will be more eager to open your emails, which will drive more traffic to your website and increase your engagement.
Interested in more email marketing tips? Be sure to check us out at CopyFactory! We are a done-for-you outbound email copywriting platform that allows you to request, collaborate, and edit high-converting B2B sales sequences, which are sure to generate more responses.
Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!