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Published Feb. 6, 2023 in copywriting

Outsourcing Copywriting vs Using ‘Proven Templates’

Eric Morris – Head of Growth
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The key factors to look at when deciding on outsourcing or using templates online.

If there’s anything to unite every business worldwide, it’s the need for a fantastic copy! Just a short combination of words and phrases can have a significant impact on a company’s success. Copy—particularly killer copy—can contribute to the increase in a brand’s value, results of a marketing effort, sales and retention rates, and more.

Copywriting: An Essential Marketing Tool

Effective copywriting gets the message across, attracts and excites the audience, and aids in SEO. No matter what your marketing strategy is, whether it involves cold emails, web pages, or social media content, copywriting will be crucial in driving the result you want and, ultimately, achieving your business goals and objectives.

As the number of users on Instagram, Pinterest, and other video and image-sharing platforms increases, the importance of visual marketing becomes more apparent. However, even with the rise of visual marketing, no none can deny the timeless value of copywriting.

No matter how much visual content the market trends demand, you will still have to use the right words to urge people to stop scrolling, pay attention, and eventually purchase your product or service.

Writing Copy For Outbound Emails

Writing copy for emails is crucial! Sending an excellent cold email, and more importantly, nurturing email outbound sequences is necessary to fill the top of the sales pipeline and convert your leads. Outbound emails have a great chance of never being read in their entirety, which is why each one must provide a clear message.

Writing outbound emails is perhaps one of the most challenging writing exercises, as you must convince the reader to take the action you want them to take in just a few seconds. With the small window of opportunity and the pressure to perfectly communicate your benefits to the reader to accomplish a goal, it seems almost impossible to develop an outbound email sequence.

However, although writing the perfect professional outbound email is a nearly unthinkable task, it can be done—as long as you work with the right copywriter.

Outsourcing or Templates?

Copywriting may seem as easy as putting a few phrases or sentences together, but even if you think you have some written word skills, don’t write your outbound emails yourself! You won’t achieve your goals by “winging it.” Your outbound emails are not a DIY project—it’s essential to leave the writing job to a skilled copywriter who knows exactly what they’re doing.

No matter what type of business you have, you can still produce the killer copy. If you can’t hire internally, you have two options in creating copy for your cold emails—you can either outsource one or use a proven template.

So, which should you choose?

Not everyone can churn out creative, engaging, and interesting copy day after day, which is where proven templates come in! Using a template for your cold emails will ensure every email you send out adopts your business’s tone and will speak to your potential customers.

Although templates save the time and energy you put into writing professional outbound emails, they could seem formulaic and impersonal at times. If you’re not keen on sending out emails based on templates, then you may want to work with a highly skilled copywriter.

Outsourcing a copywriter with the skills and experience can produce compelling content pieces for you by crafting from a plan you’ve laid out for them. As long as you give them something to work with, a copywriter will produce outbound emails that influence the reader to perform your desired action.


The correct email is an essential content piece that can impact your digital sales and drive traffic. As such, you must make sure to invest in excellent copywriting to ensure that your email will deliver results. As long as you work with a skilled copywriting partner, you’re sure to achieve success through your cold emails!

If you’re having trouble crafting professional outbound emails, leave the job to us at Copyfactory! We offer a quick, customized, and convenient solution to writing outbound emails, allowing you to experiment with your messaging, test new personas, and iterate on existing ones. Request a demo today to get started!