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Published Feb. 20, 2023 in copywriting

The Key to Better Sales Prospecting is Targeting

Eric Morris – Head of Growth
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Here are key tips on improving your efficiency when it comes to prospecting and targeting for cold email campaigns.

Sales prospecting requires careful planning. It’s clear by now that spray-and-pray strategies don’t work, as they require outright targeting for it to be successful. However, most salespeople aren’t aware that targeted prospecting is an end-to-end strategy, which means it’s not something you can just insert at any time in the sales process. Otherwise, if you treat targeted prospecting as a to-do item, your sales teams will end up overwhelming themselves by accommodating prospects that don’t fit your product or service.

Fortunately, there’s a better way to do things. By employing targeted prospecting as its strategy, you’ll improve all other aspects of your sales process and enjoy more responsive potential clients who are more likely to convert into paying customers. It will help you improve your email copywriting and increase the rates at which your prospects express their interest. Here’s what you need to know:

The Importance of Targeted Prospecting

Over 40 percent of sales reps report that sales prospecting is the most challenging aspect of the process. The usual B2B company earns its revenue and expands its customer base by communicating with as many potential customers as possible, as logic states that the more prospects they get in touch with, the more customers they’ll have.

The time spent getting acquainted with a poor prospect could have gone into candidates who are more likely to close. Instead of cultivating a sizeable prospect list, sales targeting will help you determine the customers who are more inclined to buy from you. Additionally, you’ll be strategizing your use of time, giving prospects a better experience since you’ll get to focus on them more.

How to Target Sales Prospects More Effectively

Deploying a properly targeted prospecting strategy requires you to launch it from the get-go. Here are some steps to follow:

Step 1: Understand Your Target Prospects

To get started, you’ll need to understand your target prospects before coming up with a list. Ask yourself how candidates end up being targeted. Is it because they earn a certain amount of annual revenue, or is it because their business is in a particular industry? Relying on generic information will only get you so far, as you’ll need to have a deeper insight into what your prospects want and need.

Talk to your customer support team to learn the qualities they most appreciate in your best customers. Then, concentrate on sales prospecting in the meantime—lead generation can wait. You can also use a sales prospecting tool to look further into your prospects, create prospects' personas, and invest in a copywriting partner to write more tailored, convincing emails.

Step 2: Start with a Small List

A small list allows you to focus on the best prospects and spend most of your time talking to them instead of trying to convince disinterested individuals to buy from you. You can also partner with related brands and use the information they share to butter up your prospects and establish a good relationship with them.

You can also use sales prospecting tools to help you understand your prospects deeper, as it shows you which businesses visit your site and crucial data about them, like company size and revenue. By knowing the pages they visit and the time spent there, you’ll learn what your prospects are searching for.

Step 3: Focus on Your Customers

The next step is to build your process around your customers. Instead of achieving a certain number of targets, use a holistic approach that encourages a sales process geared solely toward your customers. Learn why your prospect is interested in the product and construct the sales process around that, allowing your sales team to identify the most suitable time to reach out.

Step 4: Eliminate All Generic Outreach

Lastly, toss all generic outreach efforts out the window. Sending the same message to thousands of prospects will be less effective than personalizing each message and sending it to a targeted list. It will also help you create better, more convincing emails with the right call-to-action that your prospects will most likely follow.


Targeting can take your sales prospecting to the next level. By following these steps, you’ll spend your time more wisely focusing only on prospects that are a good fit for your business while enjoying higher conversion rates.

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