Automate your sales workflows With Datafactory you can easily scale personalized outreach  

Predictable and simple pricing

Start with a generous free plan, then upgrade when you are ready to scale.


$99 /month

Unlimited word credits.

  • Sequence editor. Write your next sequence in record time with the only collaborative editor built for sales.

  • Contact personalization. Unleash data-driven personalization with your existing or third-party data.

  • Premise templates. Create your own AI messaging templates that writes the way you want.

  • Integrations. Native integrations with your existing sales tools and zapier.

  • Workspaces. Create dedicated workspaces for your projects or clients.

  • API. Build programmatic workflows.

Get started


$0 /month

Free plan with 25,000 word credits to get started.

  • Sequence editor. Write your next sequence in record time with the only collaborative editor built for sales.

  • Contact personalization. Unleash data-driven personalization with your existing or third-party data.

  • Premise templates. Create your own AI messaging templates that writes the way you want.

  • Integrations. Native integrations with your existing sales tools and zapier.

  • Workspaces. Create dedicated workspaces for your projects or clients.

  • API. Build programmatic workflows.

Get started

From SDR teams to sales agencies, the most effective teams use Copyfactory to power their copywriting workflows.

apollo logoinstantly logottech logofilestage logoShuffle space logoCld Partners logoMovia logocapsule logoVirtualGurus logoredtag logo

“Copyfactory is for anyone looking to scale personalization within sales development. We were able to increase our outbound efforts without increasing headcount. Also, being able to push all the data into Outreach made our workflow that much easier.”

Dixa testimonial
Andreas Brolund
Growth Marketing Manager of Dixa

Frequently asked questions

What is a word credit?
Word credits are used every time you generate content. We use word credits instead of a count of generations to make the pricing more fair. Shorter messaging templates will consume fewer word credits than longer ones which lets you create the exact messaging framework you need.
What does the unlimited plan include?
Unlimited plans are governed by the Fair Use Policy to prevent potential abuse and give you the best experience. The word credit limit is 500,000 per account per month. If you go over this limit you are charged $0.19 per 1,000 additional word credits.
What is a sales copywriting platform?
Unlike sales engagement platforms such as Outreach, Salesloft, or data-finding tools such as Zoominfo or Lusha, Copyfactory is the only copywriting platform that helps sales teams with the longest and most challenging task of launching a new campaign which is writing new templates and personalizing contacts. Copyfactory is the only platform that lets you go beyond generic templates and create your messaging workflows to write sequences and personalize contacts exactly how you want.
How is Copyfactory different?
Copyfactory is the only copywriting platform made for sales and outbound teams. With other tools, you rely on generic templates and have no control over the output. With Copyfactory, you are empowered to create custom messaging templates using any data and writing style.
Does Copyfactory integrate with my tools?
Yes. We have built integrations with Salesloft, Outreach, Apollo, Instantly, Zapier, and more. Finally, if you want to create custom workflows you have full access to the API.
Can I cancel, upgrade, or downgrade anytime?
Yes. You can cancel, upgrade, or downgrade your plan via your billing settings within the app. All cancellations and downgrades will take place at the end of your plan cycle, while upgrades will take place immediately.

Get started with Copyfactory for free!

Join the hundreds of writers and sales teams that are actively using Copyfactory to save time on their copywriting tasks!